Well it's end of another year and the sight finished on a very creditable 110 species , just one down on last years total. Highlight for me personally was finding a Dipper my first for the sight and only just a couple of weeks ago. All remains to be said is have a good and safe New Year and let's hope for a bird filled 2023.
Saturday, 31 December 2022
Saturday, 24 December 2022
December 24th
Wigeon x 18 , Teal x 21 , Goosander x 4 , Raven , Kingfisher and Grey Wagtail .
Thursday, 22 December 2022
December 22nd
Pintail drake at the north end this morning , along with two Pink-footed Geese amongst the Canada Geese flock. Also 20+ Wigeon , plenty of Teal and a drake Goosander. (DC , MS).
Wednesday, 21 December 2022
December 21st
Eight Little Egret along feeder stream south of the Dam this morning. This is the second highest count with nine recorded in spring this year. Also Water Rail , Snipe and Dipper again. Good numbers of Bullfinch with nine noted.
Friday, 16 December 2022
Ice Breaker
Guys trying to clear some ice for tomorrow's Christmas ferry outing , somehow think they are on a looser with the freezing weather.
December 16th
Overnight temperature was -8 last night.
Patch MEGA this morning with a Dipper behind the Dam wall , my first on site in 14 yrs of watching the place. The Lake is completely frozen over from end to end. All birds seen from Dam around the loop to the miniature railway station. Common Snipe x 12 , Kingfisher x 2 , Little Egret , Grey Wagtail , Bullfinch x 7 and good numbers of Redwing and Fieldfare. Exceptional count of 342 x Mallard on a small piece of open water opposite the sailing club .
Monday, 12 December 2022
December 12th
Pink-footed Geese approx 200 towards Biddulph at 10-50
Tuesday, 6 December 2022
December 6th
Pink-footed Geese x 80 approx over east at 8-50.